Relish These Remote Workspaces Around Central America
Long long ago, I started experimenting with remote work.
Back in these formative years, I was inspired. How so? I was inspired by the idea of working from anywhere in the world, as long as I had my laptop and Wi-Fi. Some Wi-Fi. It can be a fickle feat.
As I set up my workspace in one place or another, I found beauty in those scenes.
Hey: it makes me smile.
Sometimes, I would look up from my laptop and just start grinning. Other times, I’d snuggle in with my iPad, and feel overwhelmed by a sense of cosy, productive bliss.
It’s not everyone’s dream. And it isn’t always dreamy. But here are some of the workspaces that I set up around Central America, in my nascent years of remote work and travel.
In Costa Rica, I stayed in a place that was a bit like a tree fort. I got a surprising amount of stuff done in a hammock.
Reflecting upon those times when I got a bit of work done on an iPad, in… Panama, I think?
Arriving in Bocas del Toro almost a decade ago, I remember having distinct daydreams about meeting a romantic accomplice who enjoyed work/travel life like I do. Foreshadowing!
I have loved this wireless keyboard. I used it in Costa Rica almost a decade ago. I still use it, today!
Sometimes work is best done from a hammock in Costa Rica.
This cool cat named Bennison was running Costa Rica Surf & SUP in Santa Teresa, and I helped her. Check out her current project at the end of the road in Panama, where they are building their off-grid surf view: Zephyr’s Treehouse.
The gentle sway of a hammock is a key metric in productive focus, particularly when graced by Santa Teresa beach breezes. That’s science.
Make sure that there is room on your impromptu desk for sunglasses. Let the businessy breeze caress your toes as they wiggle in their flip-flops.
Coffee is essential to office culture, no? It turns out that Costa Rica is kickin’ butt, in regards to that wonderful morning elixir.
Can a workspace be a work of art?
Maybe it’s pretentious, as an idea: a workspace as art. But to me, these scenes are beautiful compositions, now and then. Parts are well-composed. Parts are a hot mess of productive frenzy.
What I know for sure is that these workspace scenes really make me smile. Especially these Central America moments, from way back in the day.
Did any of these scenes make you smile, too? Which ones, and why?
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Curtiss is a lover of delicious atmosphere, experiments in location independence (and digital nomadism), and that magical place where wifi and paradise overlap.