Welcome To Our Neck Of The Woods… New England!

Welcome to New England! We love having little town fairs and festivals. Have you tried the fried dough?? Total health food.


We have a historical town called Old Sturbridge Village. It’s adorable, and it has sheep.


Ashley gets pretty excited when there are farm animals around. Hey: they’re cute. 🐑


What a looker.


Here’s how they made pottery, back in the day: they used a huge kiln shaped like a chimney.


Some of these scenes are downright bucolic, like a painting.


Ashley seems to smile when chickens and ducks are around. Especially banties, which are like regular chickens, but tiny.


New England has a good amount of farmland, orchards, and that sort of thing.


At the history-reenactment town of Old Sturbridge Villave, this guy is demonstrating methods of blacksmiths. He’s tugging on a rope to operate a huge bellows to increase the heat!


We’ve got quite a few covered bridges. They are atmospheric. Ever heard of the Headless Horseman? He’s from around here.


The old ways of doing things may not still be practical, but there is plenty of nostalgia around it. This guy used to do a lot of heavy lifting.


We’re fond of brunches on weekends, like this one. Some of our most popular posts are about brunches! 🍳


Farmers markets are really fun to browse, and sometimes they produce itself looks like a work of art.


New England is known for its trees turning orange around Autumn, and lots of folks come by for leaf-peeping. Come check it out sometime!


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